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Code of Engagement for Collaboration

As a European University of Technology (EUt+), our mission is to address the complex problems raised by rapid technological development and industrial production, especially concern the climate challenges. We strive to provide sufficient tools in European education and build knowledge so students and stakeholders can tackle the problems of overcoming planetary limits through sustainable technological design.

The university aims to get beyond traditional understandings of ethics as an abstract normative theory while developing it in the context of a pluralistic and multicultural society. By situating the humans, and the technē1 they produce, as components in broad global and micro-scale ecologies, food for thoughts on dynamic interactions of people and nature in the biosphere is shared. In the same way, realizing that the essence of human nature is to create, invent and change provides a value platform which evokes the idea of technological optimism and reinforces the belief that human beings are devoted to become creators of their own life, adapting knowledge to solve the problems. Technology can’t be understood as an application of scientific achievements but as the mode through which we become human.

Fitzpatrick, N. & McGarrigle, C. (eds). (2022). Techné logos and the (Neg) Anthropocene: the first annual conference of the European Culture and Technology Laboratory.

Presentation of the Code

The Code of Engagement for Collaboration is an academic partner code of conduct established between the EUt+ institutions and each of their collaborators presenting the desire to innovate the ethical guidelines for ecological education, methods and decision-making process. Indeed, as a living document, its objective is to guide the addressing of the global challenges of our times with self-awareness and care in mind (towards the environment, other humans and non-human beings). In other words, this Code can be seen as a supporting guide of technological education in a direction that is beneficial for all actors.

The Code is framed by moral philosophy, based on the ancient ideals of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty that are essential for cultivating modern people as flourishing human beings. Utility can be added to emphasise that the Code is not merely a declarative document, but intend to be in service of improving efficiency. Enriching the dialogue is a crossing point of the three ideals above, which is fundamental for the Code’s implementation in the future. It is in accordance with the environmental ethics as a branch of applied ethics that examines the conceptual foundations of environmental values growing into virtues and policies to protect and sustain biodiversity and ecological systems.

Plato held that there are eternal, unchanging, immaterial “Ideas” or “Forms” that set the standards of truth, goodness, and beauty for everything in this material world, including us. The concepts of truth (Logos), beauty (Pathos), and goodness (Ethos) are then linked to the fields of epistemology, aesthetics, and ethics – the theories of knowledge, art, and morality, respectively. Kraut, Richard (2022), “Plato”, The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy

Our Values

To ensure ethical behaviour and decision-making while putting knowledge into practice and defining the purpose of science and its beneficiaries, stakeholders are expected to be consciously motivated by the values and fundamental principles guiding our eco-technological dialogue.


Informing (or being informed) should address the personal affectedness by the ecological issues accompanying us, and outline the critical positive and negative actions affecting our transition towards sustainability. This principle promotes the raise of awareness on the indiscriminate destruction of natural resources, the act of providing information on the state of nature and the contribution of technology in tackling the environmental crisis.


Engagement should encourage personal involvement into dealing with environmental issues “here and now” in the sense of one’s own self attitude towards everything existing and the way one is related to it.


Responsibility3 should encourage a responsible ecological decision-making and practices, as its absence would mean a growing threat to human life, human societies and the planet as a whole. It must include informing and engagement at three interrelated level:

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