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The European Culture and Technology Laboratory (ECT Lab+) is a collaborative research institute affiliated with the European University of Technology serving as a vital platform for interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and innovation at the intersection of culture, technology, and society within the European academic landscape.

Established in 2020, the ECT Lab+ works as a transdisciplinary collaborative structure which conducts cutting-edge research and in-depth investigations into the nature and function of technology. The lab also aims to clarify and promote a specific European model around technology while helping legal and regulatory frameworks to evolve in a relevant direction.

This interdisciplinary laboratory brings together experts from the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Technology to propose innovative solutions for moving beyond the Anthropocene by negating the negative trends that have led to its development.

The ECT Lab+ hosts an annual conference that investigates the various aspects related to technology, care, and the (Neg) Anthropocene. The conference provides a platform for scholars to present their research through papers, panels, performances, workshops, seminars, poster presentations, artistic submissions, artist talks, installations, and interventions. The laboratory's objective is to promote a distinct European model concerning technology while contributing to the evolution of legal and regulatory frameworks in a meaningful way.

Moreover, the ECT Lab+ has developed different European projects and staff exchange programs such as Espiteam, Ethico and Eastetico.

In addition to its academic endeavors, the ECT Lab+ also engages in online seminars and discussions, such as its reading group which which discusses main texts in the history of philosophy of technology.

ECT Lab+’s mission is to

Promote trans/multi-disciplinarity within the European University by integrating research on the humanities

To articulate a vision of technology inspired by Philosophy, Social Sciences, Art & Humanities, and Engineering Sciences

Create a critical mass in research in the humanities within the EUT+

Develop ethics for transdisciplinary work at the intersection between art and science


The ECT Lab+ is populated primarily by the nine universities which compose the European University of Technology:

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