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Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

The Technical University of Cartagena is a technological university in the region of Murcia featuring degrees in multiple fields of engineering, architecture, economy and tourism.


Cartagena, Spain

The role of UPCT (Technical University of Cartagena) in EUt+ (European University of Technology) is focused on internationalization and promoting student exchange programs, particularly through the Erasmus activities.

UPCT actively supports initiatives with programs and calls, advises on opportunities, and prioritizes partnership projects within EU programs.

UPCT also develops strategies to ensure high-quality mobility actions, improve academic offerings in English, and manage student placements in cooperation with various regional and social agents to prepare students for the European Labor Market.

Additionally, UPCT focuses on technical institutions to achieve and maintain international excellence in areas such as Engineering, Architecture, and Business within the EU and beyond, particularly targeting Mediterranean countries, Latin America, and Asia for student and teacher exchanges.

Key figures


308 Phd


612 Master


4,476 Bachelor


128 Researchers


576 Teaching & Research Staff


368 Administration Staff

Main themes


Industrial Eng


Maritime Eng


Economy and Tourism Agriculture Eng


Telecom Eng


Roads, Ports, and Mines Eng



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