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Technical University of Sofia

TU-Sofia is the largest technical university in Bulgaria and has the highest accreditation grade for engineering specialties.


Sofia, Bulgaria

TU-Sofia is a leader in the field of nanotechnologies, virtual engineering, energy efficiency, renewable energy resources, engineering ecology, and engineering design and offers foreign language education in English, French, and German.

TU-Sofia has proven to be a university that sets educational standards and develops contemporary and innovative approaches for adequately responding to the fast-changing business environment.

Key Figures


12500+ fulltime students (Bachelor/Master/PhD)


130+ study programs


419 Professors & 473 Teaching staff


14 Faculties, 3 Departments


3 Colleges – in Sofia, in City of Sliven and Town of Kazanlak


2 Branches in Cities of Sliven and Plovdiv and 2 Schools -


Vocational High School of Computer Technologies and Systems – town of Pravetz and Technology School “Electronic Systems” in Sofia

Scientific fields and Accreditation


The highest accreditation grade given to a Bulgarian higher school by now: for the periods 2012-2018 – grade 9.50 and 2018-2024 grade 9.56.


TUS has been a leader in six professional fields: “Mechanical Engineering", "Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation", "Communication and Computer Engineering", "Energy", "Transport, Shipping and Aviation" and "General Engineering“.


TUS students are educated also in professional fields of “Pedagogics”, “Administration and Management”; “Mathematics” and “Informatics and Computer Science”.



Sharing and cooperation are the driving force of value creation and mobility is the fuel.


TUS has a significant mobility budget, and a leading student and academic mobility program and now has Erasmus + agreements with more than 280 universities all over the world.

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