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EthiCo is an Erasmus Strategic Partnership (KA203) that aims to develop new approaches to ethics and ecology in technology education

Ethics is this context needs to be understood to be a form of praxis, an individual practice which has collective implications, the ethical relation to the other has now come to the fore through a worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 and its aftermath. This highlights how my inaction or action has direct impact upon the collective good. The question that Greta Thunberg poses is ‘how dare you not react?’. The ecological questions and the ethical question become one and the same.

The project, therefore, is developing an ethical framework from the work of contemporary philosophy, including the work of Deleuze and Guattari on The Three Ecologies and Paul Ricoeur in relation to his work on ‘little ethics’, and Bernard Stiegler on the development new forms of knowledge. The first phase of the project has seen the development of the theoretical philosophical ethical framework as distinct from traditional fields of applied ethics. This new framework is based upon a virtue ethics framework and narrative theories of techne and technology.

Ethics traditionally understood as applied ethics is not equipped to deal with the questions posed by the relation between technological development and ecology. The application of pre-existing ethical frameworks has not led to the desired results and has been reduced to the introduction of ethics onto the engineering degree programmes. This is partly to the cultural contexts of technological innovation and on the other hand to the sheer speed of technological change. The EthiCo project is developing specific methodologies of the ethics and ecology within the education not just of engineers but all students within higher education.

The project also develops a value system and framework through philosophical research and secondly, it is developing a teacher training module for the teaching and integration of ethics into the curriculum (including engineering, natural sciences, business, arts and humanities). This teacher trainer module was subject of specific Intensive Study Programme (ISP) in the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 7-9 March, 2023. Thirdly, the project developed a standalone student module on ethics and ecology for level 8 programmes. Fourthly, the project hosted an international conference on ‘Ethics and Ecology in Technological Education’.

The key objective of the EUt+ is to create an inclusive university, founded on the ethical principles of fairness, respect for human rights and European citizenship values. EUt+ is committed to providing every student with the resources to achieve the necessary requirements and realize their potential across European campuses.

The EthiCo project is following this aim, choosing a holistic approach and facilitating stakeholders (=participant) involvement from the very start of the development process to encourage co-creation and participant feedback. This pre-determined the need to design an educational framework through which engineering becomes an essential part of society through ethics and ecology and to ensure that inclusion and personal contribution are the beginning of EthiCo.

EthiCo plays a significant role in the development of the EUt+ alliance to establish a new type of institution on a confederal basis. Within this project, discussions have already been initiated about the slogan "Think Human First", its controversial nature and what the EUt+ consortium is trying to convey by placing it at the forefront of all its operations.

The project is giving EUt+ an opportunity to clarify that “human” in the statement “Think Human First” does not mean “anti-nature”. As stated in the Executive Summary of the EthiCo, environmental ethics has extracted the human from nature, put naturalism against humanism, making the aforementioned statement problematic; therefore, one of the main missions of the EthiCo will be to find precise wording on what do we mean when we say “Think Human First”.



(IO1) Innovative, Transdisciplinary Ethico-Ecological Methods, to arrange multi-stakeholder collaboration and to encourage mutual comprehension.


(IO2) A Stakeholders Code of Engagement for Collaboration, in order to ensure distributed collaboration processes and rapid technological transfer.


(IO3) An Ethico-Ecological Teacher Training Programme for Technological Education, developed to train teachers how to teach the new EthiCo-ecological approach (a train-the-trainer- programme);


(IO4) A modular EthiCo-Ecological Student Programme, which consists of a set of 5 ECT modules that can be combined into a minor programme of 30 ECTS for EthiCo-ecological approach to technological education.



The methodology and approaches used in EthiCo provide an excellent opportunity to be multiplied for the needs and goals of other organizations (not only educational) and projects with a humanitarian focus. The generated potential within the project is tangible in several directions, such as:


1) effective and fruitful work in a multinational and interdisciplinary team;


2) empirically tested methods for ethical analysis and individual argumentation on moral issues related to ecology and technology during the trainings;


3) exchange experiences in holding events with the simultaneous participation of the academic community, business, politicians, artists and citizens for discussions on issues of global importance.



Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)


Riga Technical University (RTU)


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN)


Technical University of Sofia (TUS)


Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT)


University of Technology of Troyes (UTT)


Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)


Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (H-DA)

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