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Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

The h_da has a unique spectrum of STEM, economic and social sciences as well as artistic and creative subjects. Its broad applied sciences scope enables it to identify and analyze current and future social challenges and develop adequate solutions


Darmstadt, Germany

h_das is a University of Applied Sciences located in Darmstadt, Germany. It is part of the IT cluster Rhine-Main-Neckar, the "Silicon Valley of Germany". It has a unique spectrum of STEM, economic and social sciences as well as artistic and creative subjects.

Fusing several well established higher education institutions (some as old as 1843) h_da was founded in 1971 under the name FHD- Fachhochschule Darmstadt and renamed in 2006 as h_da - Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Key Figures


16500+ fulltime students (Bachelor/Master/PhD)


80+ study programs


350 Professors & 100 Teaching staff


500 non-academic staff


600 external lecturers


12 Departments


1 main campus in Darmstadt and 2 annex campus in Mathildenhöhe (Darmstadt) and Dieburg

Digital technologies and society


The h_da seeks for opportunities to intensify the dialogue with scientific and non-scientific actors as well as the increase of the interaction with society to meet the strategic claim of acting as a (co-)shaper of the future where digital technologies play a paramount role.



The h_da strives to ensure that quality and sustainability determine our actions in all areas and establish processes in the direction of sustainable development in the region. This should continuously generate impulses for new ideas.



Mobility is of key importance for modern society. Yet besides better enginies a lot can be gained by better city architecture, social work-life-balance and innovative transport systems. Internally, besides student’s mobility, we pursue the mobility of our teaching and administrative staff. In addition, language and cultural competences are a relevant issue for our institution.

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